JAPANESE LESSON, Minna no Nihongo

Minna no Nihongo 2: Ko So A Do Kotoba

こそあど Minna no Nihongo

Hi, I’m ojachan 🙂 Today’s lesson is; Ko So A Do Kotoba

I was a cram school teacher in Japan. I taught Japanese from elementary to junior high school students. Don’t you want to know how to learn Japanese like Japanese kids? I’ll teach you how to start from beginner’s level Japanese.

⭐️This lesson is following the textbook “Minna no Nihongo”.

Let’s get started!

Minna no Nihongo 2: Ko So A Do Kotoba

Do you know こそあど詞 ko-so-a-do-kotoba”? We sometimes call it 指示詞shijishi /指示語shijigo. it is equivalent to “this/ it/ that/ which” in English.

Key Phrases

I’ll teach you with “ていねい語 teinei-go Polite expression ” 🙂

「こ」This/ these
これ is used when you point out something close near the speaker.
この is used as modify noun.
これは わたしの 辞書です。
これは わたしの じしょです。
kore wa wtashino jisyo desu
This is my dictionary.
「そ」It/ they
それ is used when you point out something near the listener.
その  is used as modify noun.
それは わたしの 本です。
それは わたしの ほんです。
sore wa watashino hon deesu
It is my book.
「あ」That/ those
あれは is used when you point out something distant near the speaker.
あの is used as modify noun.
あれは わたしの 傘です。
あれは わたしの かさです。
are wa watashino kasa desu
That is my umbrella.
あれは あなたの ノートですか。
あれは あなたの のーとですか。
arewa anatano note desuka
Is that your notebook?
はい、そうです。それは わたしの です。
hai, soudesu. sorewa watashino desu
Yes, it is. It’s mine.
いいえ、違います。それは わたしの では ありません。
いいえ、ちがいます。それは わたしの では ありません。
iie, chigaimasu. sorewa watashino dewa arimasen
No, it is not. It is not mine.

⭐️そうです is used the you agree the topic.

⭐️ちがいます is you can use when you want to disagree against the question.

「ど」who/ which
どれ you can use it when you want to ask something.
どの is used to modify the noun. You can use it for things and people.
あなたの 辞書は どれですか。
あなたの じしょは どれですか。
anatano jisyo-wa dore desuka
Which dictionary is yours?

Vocabulary Words



[doumo] arigatou-gozaimasu
Thank you [very much].
これから お世話になります。
これから おせわになります。
korekara osewaninarimasu
I appreciate your cooperation in advance. 
こちらこそ [どうぞ] よろしくお願いします。
こちらこそ [どうぞ] よろしくおねがいします。
kochirakoso [douzo] yoroshiku onegaishimasu
I look forward to working with you / Nice to meet you, too.

Let’s Practice

Your Homework

✏️Answer these questions in Japanese and comment below.

Describe your things around you in Japanese.

Okay, that’s all for today!

Good luck with your Japanese study 😉


Amazon Reviews:★★★★

Makiko Shinya / Chiyoko Koga / Tooru Takada / Keiko Mikogami
supervised by Koichi Nishiguchi

Publisher:3 A corporation (2nd Edition)

P.S. My English skill is not enough yet. Please correct me with DM from CONTACT if my English is wrong. Thank you for your cooperation!

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Minna no Nihongo 3: Koko Soko Asoko

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Minna no Nihongo 1: Watashi wa Miller Desu